
United Healthcare Insurance | Braincare Performance Center Carlsbad

If you have United Healthcare insurance or Optum, your rTMS treatment may be covered. Learn more about your coverage options here.

Does United Healthcare Insurance Cover rTMS Treatment for Depression?

When you're dealing with depression, it can be easy to let concerns about costs get in the way of your treatment. However, these costs may not be as much as you think. If you have United Healthcare, your rTMS treatment may be covered.

TriCare insurance image

Does United Healthcare Insurance Cover rTMS Treatment for Depression?

When you're dealing with depression, it can be easy to let concerns about costs get in the way of your treatment. However, these costs may not be as much as you think. If you have United Healthcare, your rTMS treatment may be covered.


BrainCare Carlsbad is an in-network provider for United Healthcare (UHC), including its Optum health services platform. United Healthcare offers coverage for rTMS therapy for depression when you meet certain conditions:


  • 18 years or older
  • A confirmed diagnosis of severe major depressive disorder (MDD)
  • Inadequate response to 2 antidepressants


What is and isn't covered varies greatly, so it's important to contact your insurance provider to determine what your specific plan covers.


Steps to verify United Healthcare insurance coverage:


For complete information on whether you're covered by United Healthcare/Optum, do the following:


  1. Log into your United Healthcare account online. The website can help you estimate costs and select covered treatment options. You can also refer to your physical insurance documents or call the United Healthcare customer service number on the back of your insurance card.


  1. Review your plan details, including your deductible, copay, coinsurance, and other plan information. This will help you determine how much of your treatment will be covered.


If dealing directly with your insurance company sounds daunting, we can help. Navigating the bureaucracy involved with healthcare can be tricky, and we want to make it as easy as possible for you to get the treatment you need.


Simply call our New Patient Coordinator, and she will verify your coverage, ensuring you understand your eligibility and what your plan covers. That way, you can focus all your attention on getting the treatment you need to feel better.

Take Your Next Step to Relief


If you're struggling with treatment-resistant depression and are interested in rTMS therapy, BrainCare Carlsbad is here to support you. We have seen how rTMS can change lives and want to make this treatment as accessible as possible.


Contact our New Patient Coordinator, who can help you verify your United Healthcare insurance coverage. She can also answer all your questions about rTMS therapy and our protocols and set up your initial testing and consultation appointments.

I have been a military physician for most of my career. And I have seen a lot of functional marines and sailors with Chronic Fatigue, Depression, Anxiety, TBI, and PTSD who didn’t seek treatment because they felt physically strong or didn’t want to take medications due to their operational status. I have also witnessed close friends report exhaustion and near helplessness. Witnessing firsthand their transformation after receiving MeRT treatment made me a believer in its effectiveness.”